
How Psoriasis is Diagnosed Differently in Skin of Color

Because psoriasis is easier to diagnose in lighter skin, it can be misdiagnosed in skin of color.

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How to Have a Productive Telehealth Appointment for Psoriasis

Seven tips to help people with psoriasis utilize telehealth.

Patient Perspectives: Your Healing Healthcare Journey as Women of Color

Women of color often have hurdles to overcome within their individual healthcare journey.

Patient Perspectives: Defining Health Inequities - And How to Combat Them

Without proper representation, a void of consequence is created for the patient.

Treating Psoriatic Arthritis vs. Treating Psoriasis

Learn about the connection between psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, including treatment.

My Story: Being an Advocate with Psoriasis

Ayesha, a psoriasis patient and healthcare advocate, helps others with tips learned from her healthcare journey.